Confusion Test

By Dr. kailash Mantry

Confusion Test

Take our online Confusion Test to check the level of your Mental Problem and Consult with Us

You are not alone

Mental illnesses are common in India.  Mental illnesses include many different conditions that vary in degree of severity, ranging from mild to moderate to severe. Two broad categories can be used to describe these conditions: Any Mental Illness (AMI) and Serious Mental Illness (SMI). 

While most people experience some degree of anxiousness and stress in everyday life, those with a severe anger disorder often feel trapped in a vicious cycle of rumination, inaction, and self-doubt, and could benefit from various treatment options.

Take ConfusionTest Now, It's totally confidential, convenient, and affordable.


Mental wellbeing is the ability to handle life and its various stresses and challenges. The MPT is therefore a snapshot of your self-perception along various dimensions of mental function that determine your mental wellbeing. It is not a measure of happiness or life satisfaction. You could, for example, be experiencing very difficult or sad circumstances in your life but nonetheless have all the capabilities to cope as best as one could, and therefore have a high level of mental wellbeing.

This test identifies issues/problems in your life that have aggravated your mental illness; by completing the test, you will gain clarity on the root cause of your condition.

After paying the fee, you will have immediate access to the Mind Mapping Test, which you must complete and submit in accordance with the patient's instructions.

If the patient has ADHD/AUTISM/DYSLEXIA/SLOW LEARNING (less than 10 years), the Mother and Father should do this Mind Mapping test according them.

If Patient has SCHIZOPHRENIA BIPOLAR OCD then Along with The Patient it is recommended that Both Mother and Father should Do this Test

Within 48 hours of submitting the test, Kailash Mantry's team will review it and contact you.